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Titanium dioxide: inventory continued to accumulate downward trend obvious


Titanium dioxide: inventory continued to accumulate downward trend obvious

2024-05-13 16:00:49

In May, the titanium dioxide market is in a weak state of decline, the domestic supply is abundant, the downstream enters the off-season, the procurement enthusiasm is reduced, the market trading activity is decreased, the inventory is accumulated, and the domestic titanium dioxide market price is under pressure. In the off-season, the price pressure will continue, is expected in the next month, titanium dioxide prices will continue to pressure downward.

As of May 22, the price of domestic rutile titanium dioxide is 16000-16500 yuan/ton, and the focus of discussion is mostly at the low and middle levels. Downstream coatings industry demand performance is poor, the overall purchase volume has declined. Domestic titanium dioxide production enterprises over time, inventory began to accumulate, the shipping pressure is also increasing, the price continues to be under pressure. Since entering May, the titanium dioxide market has shown several characteristics:


The price fell less than the downstream expected downstream purchase intention is low

After the May Day, the domestic titanium dioxide market is lack of trade, there is almost no purchase intention downstream, and the inquires are rare. The reasons for this situation are: 

a.entering the off-season demand, coupled with the overall industry boom this year has declined, downstream procurement has become extremely cautious. 

b.The sales price of titanium dioxide in each factory was reduced by 300-500 yuan/ton, which did not meet the downstream psychological expectations, resulting in more downstream waiting-see, consumption of early inventory, and lack of procurement enthusiasm.

The downward trend is obvious, but the factory is slowing down

From the supplier's point of view, when the downstream enters the off-season, the speed and amplitude of price reduction have a limited stimulating effect on demand, and the rapid price reduction has not yet seen other effects except further reducing profits.

In this case, titanium dioxide factories control the delivery rhythm and try to maintain the stability of the price. However, due to the different status quo faced by each enterprise, the price policy is also different. In the case of shipment difficulties, some enterprises choose to continue to reduce prices to strive for faster shipment and reduce more losses caused by inventory accumulation and later trend decline.

Continue to pay attention to the EU anti-dumping results

The proportion of titanium dioxide exports to the European Union is about 20% in our country, which is also a relatively major export region. As the anti-dumping result is approaching, the market attention has continued to increase, and once established, there is downward pressure on the market price of titanium dioxide.

Recent market mentality overall bearish, and from the past year price trend, May to July demand is weak, to the market more obvious downward pressure. At present, the late market under pressure downward probability is larger. Need to pay attention to the major trading partners to our country titanium dioxide policy changes, as well as the change of the impact on the market price.