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Market stalemate: domestic titanium dioxide in July is mainly stable


Market stalemate: domestic titanium dioxide in July is mainly stable

2024-05-13 16:00:49

In July, the domestic titanium dioxide market as a whole was stable, and the market price fluctuated little. In the early days, the price of raw material ilmenite continued to rise, the price of sulfuric acid was high, the maintenance plan of some enterprises was delayed to August, and the market price of titanium dioxide was stable.

In the middle of the year, due to the limited production and suspension of some titanium dioxide enterprises, the price of some shortage brands in the field has increased slightly, and the manufacturer's price is mainly stable. Late part of the maintenance enterprises have resumed production, dragon enterprises to implement preferential policies for dealers, most manufacturers to stable prices.

Import and export data of titanium dioxide

Titanium dioxide import data

According to customs data statistics, in June 2024, China imported 7,547.60 tons of titanium dioxide, an increase of 6.54% year-on-year and a decrease of 16.90% month-on-month. Among them, 4,586.50 tons were imported by chloride method. In the first half of 2024, the total import of titanium dioxide was 47,692.20 tons, an increase of 47.99% year-on-year. Among them, the imported sulfuric acid method of titanium dioxide 14015.26 tons, chloride method of titanium dioxide 33676.93 tons.


Titanium dioxide export data

According to customs data statistics, in June 2024, China exported 176,400 tons of titanium dioxide, an increase of 28.79% year-on-year and 18.14% month-on - month growth. Among them, 789,800 tons of sulfuric acid method were exported, and the top three countries were India, Brazil and Turkey. Chlorine method 29,500 tons, exports the top three countries India, South Korea, Brazil.

In the first half of 2024, a total of 972,600 tons of titanium dioxide were exported, an increase of 14.02%, an increase of about 136,400 tons.

Chlorinated titanium dioxide exports of 182,700 tons, exports of the top three countries were Belgium, India, South Korea, accounting for 9.99%, 9.69%, 7.10%; Exports to European countries 51,300 tons, accounting for 28.05%.

Sulfuric acid method of titanium dioxide 789,800 tons, exports of the top three countries were India, Brazil, Turkey, accounting for 16.16%, 7.67%, 6.32%; Exports to European countries 164,400 tons, accounting for 20.81%.

Sulfuric acid prices rose strongly in July

In July, the domestic sulfuric acid market was strong operation, and the market price in many places was strong upward.

Inner Mongolia Chifeng region part of the main plant equipment parking maintenance, supply tight superimposed downstream phosphate fertilizer enterprise demand support, this month's price increase; The inventory of manufacturers in Bayannur area is low, the shipment is acceptable, and the acid price is increased. The demand of the downstream new energy and fluorine chemical industry in Hunan is stable, and the acid plant inventory in the region is low, and the acid price is increased.

Guangdong region raw material pyrite price rise, manufacturers cost pressure, acid prices up. Shandong Liaocheng, Dongying, Laiwu, Jiaodong and other areas of the main manufacturers acid prices up. Hubei surrounding Jiangxi, Anhui and other areas of the main manufacturers of acid prices increased, and the downstream phosphate fertilizer market just need support, the main manufacturers of acid prices increased synchronously. Yunnan sulfuric acid resources supply tension situation does not change, the main manufacturers of acid prices up.


At the end of July, the titanium dioxide market as a whole was stable, and the market price fluctuated little. In the early stage, some enterprises have been repaired in succession, and manufacturers have destocked more. This month, some brands have adjusted their prices slightly because of the shortage of goods. In fact, recently in the titanium concentrate, sulfuric acid and other raw materials prices continue to rise, many domestic titanium dioxide enterprises have been unable to withstand the cost burden, the actual transaction price has risen to a certain extent, the purchase difficulty of the early low price has also increased.

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