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How to Use Color Hardeners for Coloring Concrete


How to Use Color Hardeners for Coloring Concrete

2024-05-13 16:00:49

Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in modern construction, but its surface hardness and durability often need to be further enhanced. At this time, the hardener has become an indispensable auxiliary material. This article will discuss in detail the role of hardener in concrete and how to use hardener correctly to ensure the durability and stability of concrete.

Definition and function of concrete curing agent

Concrete hardener is a chemical substance that can accelerate the curing process of concrete. It can react with free calcium ions in concrete, making concrete harden faster and stronger. The use of concrete curing agent, can reduce the construction time, improve the construction efficiency, and can extend the service life of concrete.

The role of hardener in concrete:

1. Improve the hardness of concrete ground

Concrete hardener can make the concrete ground become more hard, improve the wear resistance and load-bearing capacity of the ground, to avoid cracks, loose and other phenomena on the ground. The concrete ground after the use of curing agent can withstand greater load, long-term use is not easy to appear damage.

2. Improve the overall aesthetics of the concrete ground

Concrete hardener in addition to the protection of concrete ground has excellent performance, but also on the concrete ground surface to make a beautiful change, increase the texture of the concrete ground, so that the overall more beautiful and generous.

3. Prevent dust and dust

Concrete hardener can effectively prevent the concrete floor from dust, dust and other problems, reduce the maintenance cost and cleaning frequency of the ground, and improve the air quality.

4.Improve surface gloss

In some architectural applications, the aesthetics of the concrete surface is of Paramount importance. The hardener not only improves the strength of concrete, but also makes its surface smoother and shiny. This effect is especially suitable for commercial places, exhibition halls and high-end residential floors, making the ground not only strong and durable, but also with higher visual appeal.

The use method of concrete curing agent

1.Clean the ground: before using the concrete hardener, the ground needs to be cleaned to ensure that there is no debris, dust, etc.

2.Spraying concrete hardener: the method of spraying concrete curing agent can be sprayed using manual or automatic sprayers. It is recommended to spray in the morning or evening to avoid spraying in the high temperature season and affecting the effect.

3.Brush concrete hardener: if the ground is not suitable for the use of automatic sprayer spraying on the site, you can also use the way of brush coating the concrete curing agent evenly applied on the ground.

4.wait for drying: concrete hardener after construction need to wait for a certain time, generally need to wait more than 24 hours, until the ground is dry.

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The proportion of concrete hardener

The proportion of concrete hardener needs to be determined according to the use and hardness requirements of concrete. The following will introduce several common concrete curing agent ratio ratio:

1. Diamond curing agent

Diamond hardener is a kind of concrete hardener with high wear resistance and high strength. The ratio of concrete curing agent is 1:3, that is, 1 part curing agent is mixed with 3 parts water.

2. Iron hair curing agent

Iron curing agent is usually used for hardening of concrete surface, the ratio ratio is 1:6, that is, 1 part iron curing agent mixed with 6 parts water. It should be noted that iron hair curing agent is not suitable to add too much water, otherwise it will affect the curing effect.

3. Alumina curing agent

Alumina hardener is a kind of hardener suitable for high-density concrete, its ratio is 1:8, that is, 1 part hardener is mixed with 8 parts water.

In short, the use of concrete hardener and proportion need to be determined according to the specific situation of concrete. In the process of use, it is necessary to operate in strict accordance with the instructions, and take corresponding safety measures.

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