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Application and function of water reducing agent in brick making


Application and function of water reducing agent in brick making

2024-05-13 16:00:49

What is a water reducer?

Water reducers are concrete admixtures that can reduce the amount of water used in mixing while almost maintaining the concrete's collapse degree. Most of them are negative ion surfactants, such as lignin sulfonate, naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde polymer, etc. After being added to the concrete mixture, it disperses the cement particles, improves operability, reduces the unit water consumption, and improves the fluidity of the concrete mixture.

What types of water reducers are there?

1. According to the material composition
Lignin sulfonate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon salt, water-soluble resin sulfonate, naphthalene-based high-efficiency water reducer, aliphatic high-efficiency water reducer, amino high-efficiency water reducer, polycarboxylic acid high-efficiency water reducer, etc.

2. Classification by appearance
Divided into handmade and powder, the homemade content is generally 20%-40% (also called mother liquor)-60%, and the powder content is generally 98%.

3. With the reduction of water and the improvement of capacity
General water reducer (also known as plasticizer, with a reduction rate of more than 8%, expressed as lignin sulfonate), high-efficiency water reducer (also known as superplasticizer, with a reduction rate of more than 14%, including naphthalene, melamine, aminosulfonate, aliphatic, etc.) and high-performance water reducer (more than 25%)
Mechanism of action of water reducer

Water reducer is a chemical additive, which mainly changes the physical properties of concrete or bricks to improve its fluidity and reduce the moisture content. Its mechanism of action mainly includes the following three aspects:

1. Dispersion: Water reducers can reduce the bonding force between cement particles through dispersion, making concrete or bricks easier to flow.

2. Reducing the thickness of cement glue: Water reducers can form an oil film between cement particles and water, reducing the thickness of cement glue, thereby reducing the moisture content of concrete or bricks.

3. Reducing surface tension: Water reducers can make concrete or bricks easier to flow and reduce the moisture content by reducing the surface tension of water.

Application of water reducing agent in brick making

Brick making is an energy-intensive, high-process,high-energy-consuming industry. How to improve production efficiency and reduce production costs is a difficult problem faced by this industry. The application of water reducing agent can significantly reduce the moisture content in the brick making process, improve the strength and quality of bricks, reduce energy consumption and production costs in the brick making process, and improve production efficiency.

Specifically, the application of water reducer in brick making mainly includes the following aspects:

1.Improve the fluidity of bricks. Due to the dispersing effect of the water reducing agent and the reduction of surface tension, the bricks flow more easily, resulting in a more uniform and stable brick.

2.Improve the strength and quality of bricks. Because the water-reducing agent can reduce the moisture content of the bricks, it can make the mortar more uniform and dense, thus improving the strength and quality of the bricks.

3.Improve production efficiency and reduce costs. Because the water-reducing agent can significantly reduce the moisture content of bricks, it reduces production costs, improves production efficiency, and saves energy in the brick-making process.

The above is about the use of water reducing agent guide, more information can see our official website: xt-pigment